Driver CPC training course dates – Nottingham

Posted by: Kerri
Posted on: 23/01/2024

What is the Driver CPC?

The Driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) is a certificate/qualification that must be held by any person who wants to drive any HGV, bus or coach in a professional capacity.

The certificate requires professional drivers to undertake 35 hours of periodic training every 5 years. It is illegal to drive professionally without the CPC and could lead to a £1000 fine.

What are the benefits of the Driver CPC?


The certificate was introduced as a measure in improving both driving standards and road safety. The periodic training ensures that drivers are fully up to date with all health and safety requirements.

Drivers are made aware of how to avoid accidents or situations that could be brought about by fatigue or stress and how to be alert to potentially serious situations whilst driving. This in turn helps to reduce the number of road related casualties that occur every year within the UK.


As the training is undertaken every 5 years this allows the driver to update their knowledge around the legalities of driving professionally, ensuring that any changes to legislation are known and understood. It gives each driver the chance to ask questions around legal requirements and how it affects them.


As it is illegal to drive professionally without the qualification, obtaining it is imperative to gaining work within the logistics industry.


Local CPC Courses Nottingham

For a long time we have worked in partnership with HGV Works Ltd, a local Nottingham based company, who not only deliver excellent CPC training but have also been instrumental in training our internal recruiting staff on topics such as Drivers Hours, Health and Safety and Driving legislation.

HGV Works have recently released their Driver CPC course dates for 2024.

Individual Day Courses

All courses are £65 which includes VAT, upload to DVLA, refreshments and lunch.

27.01.2024 Driver Welfare /Safe and Legal
10.02.2024 Health & Safety and Vehicle Roadworthiness
24.02.2024 Rules of Road and Safe loading
09.03.2024 Vulnerable Road Users
23.03.2024 Drivers Hours and Road Traffic Accidents
13.04.2024 Fire Awareness and First Aid Awareness
27.04.2024 Health & Safety and Vehicle Roadworthiness
11.05.2024 Driver Welfare /Safe and Legal
25.05.2024 Rules of Road and Safe loading
08.06.2024 Vulnerable Road Users
22.06.2024 Drivers Hours and Road Traffic Accidents
13.07.2024 Fire Awareness and First Aid Awareness
10.08.2024 Health & Safety and Vehicle Roadworthiness
17.08.2024 Driver Welfare /Safe and Legal
31.08.2024 Rules of Road and Safe loading
07.09.2024 Vulnerable Road Users
14.09.2024 Drivers Hours and Road Traffic Accidents


Group Driver CPC Courses

Saturday dates are available for group bookings of between 10 to 20 drivers – price on application


 17.02.2024 01.06.2024
02.03.2024 15.06.2024
16.03.2024 29.06.2024
30.03.2024 06.07.2024
06.04.2024 20.07.2024
20.04.2024 03.08.2024
04.05.2024 24.08.2024
18.05.2024 SEPT Dates TBC


For further information on any of the courses please contact HGV Works direct by clicking on this link.

Looking for Driving work? Take a look at our latest jobs here.

Looking for Driving staff? Contact a member of our team here.

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